
Monday, November 11, 2013


Big question!  How many times do I have to quit drinking before I realize that it's not the life I want??

Starting at Day 1 again really does suck.   I know a lot of you, my blogging buddies probably gave up on me.  I know I've been here before and you're probably saying " I told you so" ...and yes you were right.

The best part for me is that I didn't drink in front or around my babies.   I only disappointed me.

I'm not happy.....  drank with friends a few times, and alone, while kids were away....  back to no sleep really sucks and I already have bags under my eyes!

I don't want to drink anymore!


  1. dear sweet pea. drinking and you don't mix. love, belle.

  2. And the answer many times as it takes! Don't give up on yourself. You're worth it 😊

  3. Don't give up, you got to 70 day, that's awesome! Keep trying, no one is giving up on you, it takes what it takes! Hugs!

  4. Who's giving up on you? Not me! You can do this - I have faith in you.

