
Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 36 -

I'm not sure what to call this post!   I continue to have my ups and downs.  

Day 36 is definitely easier than day 5 was or day 10.    We must keep busy that's for sure.....or sometimes just crawl into bed with a bowl of popcorn and a movie.

My poor friend doesn't want to understand that I don't want to drink anymore.  She continues to ask me to get together.  I told her I would do dinner and movies and that's it.   Part of me would love to drop everything and have a night of partay but I know where that one night will lead me.   I've been there about 15 times in the last 7 years.  I would start off slowly drinking until I find myself picking something up at the liquor store every other day.  I would then begin to hide my booze so that my children don't see it or me drinking it.  I would then start drinking heavily when my kids are away because then I wouldn't have to hide it.  I'd have parties here because everyone leaves their left-over bottles here and it usually gives me a "free" drinking week.  I would spend money I should be saving.  I would develop insomnia again and toss and turn on a nightly basis because I'm afraid to have a hangover.   Hangovers would start up and I would find myself drinking by noon the next day to "cure" my hangover.  I would find myself making excuses to stay home, so that I didn't have to drive.  I would stop running and taking care of my body.  I would feel bloated and get baggs under my eyes.  

Fuck that cycle!  I am not going there again.  I know that this is exactly where I would find myself because i've been there at least 15 times in the last 7 years!  Fuck it!  I'm passing my record of sober days.....50 was the longest..... It's about time I learn my lesson.

I've gained about 11 pounds since my quit date.  It reminds me of when I quit smoking about 12 years ago.  I gained weight then too.   I guess when we break off our addictive relationship, we become emotional eaters and I am definitely one of those.  I feel like I'm just feeding one addiction with another.  I'm obsessed with junk food, aka....chips and ice cream!    I also feel like if I keep my belly full, it breaks the thirst quench that I get way too often.  

Now I begin to focus on losing that 11 pounds I gained.....

I will try really hard to eat healthy, whole grain foods.  ....the paleo way!  I believe that this way of living is the best solution for me.


  1. You were the only person that replied to my attempt to start a blog and this process. Ive watched for your resolve. Im drinking today but have called the people I need to in order to make lasting change. Im scared, embarrassed,humiliated, starting day one tomorrow, because I need to, want to, have addressed all excuses and thank you deeply for going before me. I needed a person to start and see it through. Please keep posting, Ill be on day one tomorrow and hopefully day 36 soon. Your an inspiration. Your frankness and honesty has been the important part. I haven't even told my husband that I have been reading blogs for a month. I want no local feedback I want to start with private resolve and this blog is all I have. Thanks -

  2. Going back to that negative cycle is like goin back to that dead end road. It's a path that leads to nowhere. I understand your struggle, I'm on day 11 today. Let's never go back to that hoorible miserable cycle of guilt, shame and loss. Have a nice weekend! Hang in there, I'm here too!

    x Ivy
