
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Detox part2!...

I didn't finish my last post because my daughter walked in.  She asked me why I was having a beer and if I was going to stop.   I told her I was going to try really hard.  .... We talked a little about cigarettes....and drugs and sometimes booze is addicting  too....

She asked me how I was going to stop.  I said "I've been blogging honey....."

She can't seem to understand why I'd blog and tell the whole world about my problem.  I told her that it wasn't the whole world...just important people that have been through what I have been through.  I also told her that if she ever felt trapped in addiction I wanted her to hear my story and reach out for help if she needed it.

Does anybody know what could help me detox my body?  It is disgusting....

Did anybody  out there try to isolate themselves for a few days?  What if I read my AA book, sleep, and watch TV for 4' one around....just me and my fucked up thoughts.  Nobody would know....nobody would know that I was fighting to live!


  1. Hi, I am glad you are tying again! Woot woot! But isolating my not be the best, well it wasn't for me, I drank alone so isolating was ideal for more drinking. I would suggest getting to a meeting if you're open to it. And remember you just don't rink for a day, 24 hours at a time. I know you can do this. I've read about how life got better when you did not drink. That was amazing! It can get even better. You don't ever have to feel like this again! -Hugs! please email me, I'd love to chat -Maggie

    1. Shoot, forgot to spellcheck! Lol! Sorry about that...
