
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 13- unlucky number?

Wow!  What a day of cravings, cravings and more cravings.

Just when you think you've beat the devil or wolfie, he comes up to bite you in the ass and haunt your every friggen thought!   I

I wanted a drink really really bad.   I actually want a drink for tomorrow and Saturday too.   It's the long weekend.....time for celebration after all!  Summer is over.....blah!

Steps I took, not to have a drink

1.  Reached out....emailed Belle, my sober coach....replied immediately with great advice
2.  Took a nap
3. Woke up
4.  Read a few blogs
5.  Poured myself a refreshing cranberry juice, with fresh blueberries on ice!!
6.  Went out to buy myself a book...reward....  I got "The Pact "by Jodi Picoult  and The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

I really want to take time to study the steps in AA .  I have read part of the big book and there are so many things that hit home.

When you think you're free from all the shit, it comes back.  It's fucking exhausting.   Part of me thinks I'll never make it to 100 days or even 10 more if I continue feeling this shitty.  I'm hoping that the 13th day is just an unlucky one!

Goodnight my sober buddies and world!


  1. Hang in there, you did all the right things! You asked for help and you didn't drink! Woot woot! Awesome! Tomorrow will be a better day! - Hugs!

  2. Great steps. You've got to know that it does get easier. It does. Day 23 will be easier. Day 33 will be easier. Day 43 will be easier. I'm not saying they'll be easy full stop, but they'll be a little easier than today. Maybe only .0001% easier as each day goes by, but easier none the less. Go well xxxx

  3. Mrs. D is gets easier. I slept a lot my first long weekend without booze. A LOT. ;-)

    Hang tough my friend. You've got this beast by the balls...don't let him go.

